In SnapShot 11 I like MeiQiChen Snapshot because it really shows that women have the right to choose whether to keep their child or not because it is their own body. And having a choice to choose is like having the freedom to decide while not being control by the choice you made. And they are protesting to gain the right to abortion because some women go through traumatic events like rape and the baby isn’t theirs and choosing to abort it is the only choice for them. But this way of killing the child doesn’t mean you murder a child. It isn’t so easy for women to defend themselves from rape because some of the time rape can happen between when you are drunk or actually with a guy that takes advantage of you when you are drunk. And what I thought of teen pregnancy it is that they are strong women/parents because it is hard these days they have to also go to school and take care of their child. That they didn’t decide to abort their child even though they are a single parent. Also, the thing is that you don’t have enough resources for the baby it would be harder for you to take care of them. Also, some of the time birth control doesn’t work and they’re just pregnant. Anything can happen the condoms might had also break. I watch one of the videos on Youtube called The History of Reproductive Justice it tells me about how Black Women had been through more then any other race of women. They also had been denied for a full range of service protection in the United States. Also low income 63 cent for every dollars a white men actually makes. Also Black Women die much easier during preganacy as white women because how they get their income and also educational. Which isn’t fair because of their color. And it makes us think that this world are suppose to stand around white people. I felt that preganacy could be hard for all women because it can also take the risk of dying if both mom and baby are in there for too long. I also can see that being mom is hard and tough seeing whether to keep their child or to get rid of them. I can’t really relate because I am not a parent yet every parent want their child safe and also happy. Some parents doesn’t want their child to suffer so they also put them up to adoption when they can’t raise them. I don’t really feel like this sound like a very bad idea neither. I had also watched 100 years of period this really tells me that how in different years period had changed over time they use to use cloth for their period. And sanitary belts never seen the belt before but doesn’t really look so comfortable if I was to wear that. That is why there is option that their showing.

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