The video “untold stories of black women in the suffrage movement” by the KD Hall Foundation was a great way for me to learn a bit more about the suffrage movement and some of the women that made possible this movement and how they contributed . I personally didn’t know who was Ida Wells in how she became part of the alpha suffrage club, how she march in Washington D.C despite being asked to not march in the back. How she launched a campaign to against the brutality of lynching. She had a very hard time losing her parents at a young age and taking care of her brothers and despite all the obstacles she had she manage to go to college is verry impressive, she truly inspires me.
Looking at the time line and how it took over more then 100 year for women to vote and even more time for black women, really gets you thinking all that women had to struggle and fight for in order to be able to vote today and yet some women today now days don’t even see how important is to vote and some choose not to.
Looking at the snapshots most images are of women marching and holding a banner and years later we still go out and march because are rights are continually being challenge and that we will not be silent and our voices are being heard.
This is short – please make sure it’s the full length so I can give you full credit.