Response 4

Keona Malcolm



The patriarchy

The patriarchy is a system structured to make one group at an advantage and an other at a disadvantage. It’s not something we can get rid of, it’s been around for centuries and decades and centuries. Everything we do in our everyday lives perpetuates the patriarchy. I believe if we all come together and understand how our actions contributes to this oppressive system that puts people at a disadvantage and to make sure we are all treated equally. 

Although it’s no surprise not everyone believes the patriarchy exists and not everyone sees it the same. People have different experiences and see the world through different lenses. No matter how hard you explain an issue, it just won’t resonate with everyone the same way it does with you. I think that maybe one of the many challenges in trying to change the patriarchy. Another factor is religion and culture. Some cultures and religions thrive on the patriarchy, so presenting the idea of illuminating  the patriarchy would mean giving up the power and control and the status they gain from the  patriarchy.

I think it is important to discuss the effects of the patriarchy from the perspective of the people who are at an advantage and for the people who are at a disadvantage. I also wanted to state that no one person is to be blamed for the patriarchy because everyone regardless of class, race, gender, religion and sexuality can uphold the patriarchy. The patriarchy from the perspective of women has always been oppressive. It has presented so many challenges from not being treated equally and fairly to getting a job, unequal pay in the workplace  and etc…It is crucial to also understand that your race can also play a role in your experience under the patriarchy. For example when speaking up regarding an issue or how they feel uncomfortable in any situation, a white woman is more likely to be believed over a  black woman or a woman of color. Another example is white women are  seen as feminine, quiet, always needing protection, positive traits while black women are seen as loud, angry, aggressive, and masculine, always having their femininity questioned. White women have the opportunity to enjoy their children while women of color are constantly sexualized for their body  and accused of being provocative. 

Whenever you present the conversation about the patriarchy to men, they always find it hard to accept the idea that they have privilege. People like being seen as the victim because that eliminates them from being held accountable for how their actions affect others. For some, admitting that the patriarchy exists and that it is detrimental to our society means giving up their privilege and their comfort  and also admitting that they benefit from other people’s suffering. Even though no one person is responsible for the patriarchy, we all play a part in upholding the patriarchy. I believe men play a major role in keeping it alive. 

I also wanted to bring up the fact  that just like women, men can also be affected by the patriarchy. Men are seen as tough, aggressive, strong, head of the household and caretakers of women and their family and if you are a man and you are a part of the lgbt community, then people see that as a threat to their masculinity. For some reason if a man is gay then he cannot embrace any of the societal male qualities that are listed above. People see you as weak, fragile and incompetent of being a man simply because of who they chose to love.

I don’t believe that the goal should be about pointing finger at each other, but finding a middle ground and working together in finding a solution on  how the lessening the effects of the patriarchy because we can never get rid of it. It is something that is deeply embedded in our society that it would take centuries to unlearn. We can teach people to be more open minded and accepting of others because we are  all deserving of respect regardless of what background, culture, race, religion, and skin color we are. 

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