I loved the picture provided by Av Thomp. It perfectly shows how women’s rights matter. In our society men are powerful. Women are losing their rights because they don’t fight for it. They don’t say anything when they need to. Activism is essential because it has played a significant part in the abolition of slavery, the protection of workers from mistreatment, the protection of the environment, the promotion of equality of the sexes, the opposition to racism, and many other vital problems. 

The documentary I watched it’s called Girls connected. This documentary shows five different girls from five different countries. Those five girls fight for their rights. One of them is from Peru. Her name is Josie. Her target was to prevent early pregnancy. She went around to the communities and she talked about how dangerous it is to be pregnant in girls’ early ages. She has seen many of her classmates drop out of school because of their pregnancy. She talked about the importance of using protection and if possible avoid sexual activities when someone is young. 

There was another girl who is Michelle from Kenya. She says in her class there were only six girls. She understands if she becomes educated she can help other girls too.

Another girl from Bangladesh named Latifa was forced to get married at the age of 16. But she was successful in stopping her early marriage by taking help from her school teacher. After that she went to many villages to help young girls. Parents want their daughters to get married at an early age because they think daughters are a burden for them. But Latifa things girls shouldn’t be married off for food, money, or land. She went to everyone’s door to help them. This documentary showed just how much someone can impact their community, changing the minds of the adult’s way of mind but also mold the minds of young girls. We should also be open to helping one another and educating ourselves. This can be helpful for the world too. If we can take our step carefully we will be able to make a great world for our future generation. 

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