Male and Female privilege both exist, there is female oppression because men like control women and think that it’s okay to do that, when I hear about that I just think about why or how did this even exist in the first place. Patriarchy, the system, An it, Not a He, a Them, or an Us by Allan G. Johnson states on pg 1, ” Some of the time, men feel defensive because they identify with patriarchy and it’s values and do not want face the consequences these produce or the prospect of giving up male privilege.” Further more if men were to actually make a change and face the consequences there would have to be changes made but with the world we live in it’s seems that it can be kind of difficult because we would have to have a clear understanding of what is changing in the world. While I was reading the article Patriarchy, the system, An it, Not a He, a Them, or an Us by Allan G. Johnson on pg 7 it states, “To demonstrate that gender privilege and oppression exist, we do not have to show that men are villains, that women are good-hearted victims, that women do not need to participate in their own oppression, or that men never oppose it”. Every one sees each other differently but remember both privileges are still here today. Who knows if one day there will be change in the world about this. Discrimination in gender is another huge issue we deal with today as well it which is an unequal treatment to of a group base on the gender so like sexual harassment or unequal pay are two of them. The article “There is No Hierarchy of Oppression’s by Audre Lorde on pg 1 it sates, ” And I cannot afford to choose between the fronts upon which I must battle these forces of discrimination”. Here they are saying that we have to let them know that discrimination is not right and both genders should be treated equally. One thing that came back to my mind was when women in the past years were protesting for equal pay which was actually the women’s strike I believe.They protested because they wanted to work and be payed equally also to prove that we as women are capable of doing anything.
In my opinion I think men and women should have equal rights because we both fit in the same term gender. I question myself what would the world be like if none of these issues existed or the issues being left in the past. Today were still dealing with some of these issues and its sucks that we haven’t seen a change. I think we should make a change in this world. When I think about all of these issues its just like are we going to find a way to stop it or at least make a change in it. But you see now this is the world we live in and the fact that we had to live with these issues in our lives.