Jenny Petit-Frere


Gws 100-170W

Professor Waychoff 

Responding to Vanessa Lopez 

I agree with Vanessa Lopez’s picture. Her picture clearly indicates that the caucasian does not understand his privilege. Most often when we say Black lives matter, we are not saying that everyone lives are not important, but because African Americans are the ones being targeted we say Black lives matter. In my opinion caucasians try to take the focus of our problems to say all lives matter. In addition I feel like it is an offensive statement. It basically means that they don’t care about what is going on with us so they make it everyone else’s problem. This is a slogan and a social movement in response to racism and violence perpetrated against black people. When people, especially white people make these comments it shows that they are careless and insensitive. In addition they do not know their privilege as a caucasian man or a woman. If we are still using Black lives matter it clearly indicates that blacks are being killed, targeted and singled out all because of the color of their skin. 

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