The Gender Binary

Before we came into contact with the Internet, we had no idea what gender duality was, and we were even a little curious about why that man had breasts, and that this woman had strong body hair because of hormones. To quote a passage from Beyond the Gender Binary “The gender binary is more concerned with gender norms than it is with us. We are led to believe that there are only two genders, “man” and “woman,” and these genders are narrow, separate, ard opposite. We are taught from a very young age that: this is how things have always been and this is the only way to live. We are taught that masculinity belongs to men, femininity belongs to women, and that these are the only two options for self-expression.” (page 27) We have been told since childhood that boys and girls how to protect themselves, girls are different from boys.

However, when I contacted the Internet, I gradually learned a lot of things and knew a lot of knowledge. Especially I like a host who is also a dancer. His/her name is Jin Xing. He/she is a transgender person. I like him/her because of his/her personality. I have never slandered him/her just because he/she is a transgender person, and I will not talk or even lash out at each other because of refreshing my three views like others.

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