I loved this picture Pedro Mardones Lemebel and Francisco Casas Silva posted by Lizbeth Bolanos. This makes me think of when people say “We are all the same on the inside” But this time it’s not just about race but also gender. This picture showing the hearts connecting to one another because we are all humans in search of love in some shape or form. Alok said in her book Beyond the Gender Bianary “The gender binary is like a party guest who shows up before you get the chance to set the table” A baby is a baby, the people around the infant should be worried if they are fed, healthy and happy. What they shouldn’t be worried about is if the little boy likes a barbie doll or if the little girl likes dinosaurs. From the time they are announced they are put in a boxed gender from then on they aren’t able to choose who they want to be until they are able to have a thought for themselves. Adding to that, being taught from such a young age what a child is supposed to like or dislike sometimes doesn’t give the person the thought of being something other than the gender they were assigned because in a way they were brainwashed.
On the other hand, I also see a form of toxic love in this picture. The person on the left is giving their life form to the person on the right, while the person on the right is sucking all the life forms of the person on the left. In a way, it shows that they need each other to live since they are such outcasts in society still to this day. They literally depend on one another but it isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. Like Alok said in her book Beyond the Gender Binary “When I was in high school, I was tormented for being effeminate. Years after graduating, one of my most vicious bullies sent me a message apologizing….revealing that he had since come out as bisexual.” Many people are ostracized for being themselves rather than what is society “normal” and many times it’s by the same people who are also int eh LGBTQIA family. They feel jealous that a person can live so freely while they are in the closet and haven’t been able to come out yet.