I believe Junie Vallon is right about her interpretation of gender identity is a big issue in our society. I think that is why there is such a huge movement with nonbinary persons. Not to be confused with transgender, nonbinary people don’t want to conform to the gender standards placed on society. As the article Sex & Gender 101 stated ” Sometimes a person’s gender identity and gender expression may not “align” because of fear of how they will be perceived if they challenge traditional gender norms. ” Growing up while little girls were told they needed to dress a certain way, learn to cook and clean but if the little girl would rather play with trucks or outside playing a sport (Which neither of those should be labeled as “masculine” activities) the little girls were labeled as tomboys. On the other hand, boys who wanted to dress up or play with dolls were called gay, something that has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Both these issues mess with the minds of children. The nonbinary label is a way for people to freely express themselves the way they wanted as kids without being told that their gender isn’t allowed to do or wear certain things. |
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