Feminism and Gender role

Gender roles have been around for as long as humanity was created. I can agree with Feminism is for everyone. Society and the environment we grew in plays a big part in the stereotyping and how we see ourselves. We haven’t really experienced the acceptance of others no matter our gender, sexuality, and more. Others try to control too much of who we want to be. Men and women are equal, they already categorized what women should do and what men should but we don’t always get the fair advantage. Like growing up, my mother would tell me that I can’t go out late night because its dangerous but on the other side , my brother can go because he is able to defend himself. Gender roles plays a lot in freedoms of cultures, religion, holding back what we choose. Women’s right has been fought for a long time only so they aren’t categorized as a “stay at home mom” or not enough wage if women work. people need to understand we all deserve the same equal treatment and same rights. We generalize too much based on culture, religion, gender, color, and sexuality when we don’t give people the benefit of the doubt. Same way men are capable of so much more, so can women. Let the actions speak for themselves.
I think you are right. Just like you said, we girls can’t go out at night, but boys can. Just because in the eyes of the bad guys, we girls are fragile and can easily get and hurt. In the old society, women were supposed to be married to each other and teach children, but men could go to work. If we show our faces, we will be ridiculed like the emperor’s new clothes. But as the times are slowly changing, we women have done a lot of things that their men have not done, or even can’t. Such as childbirth, breastfeeding, etc. What’s more, the bad guys we mentioned earlier think that women are easy to succeed, but they are often unsatisfactory. There are many reports that some bad guys are knocked down by women when they want to rob or sexually assault women.
Gender roles defiantly are a big part in our daily life’s since the day we are born it define us in how our family and other treats us. Before we can even talk and make choices for our self’s our parents dresses us according to our gender if you are girl they buy dresses, skirts and usually most of our clothes are pink and purple. If you are a boy you probably get blue and green shirts and sneakers. Same happens when they sign us for classes girls get ballet and gymnastics and the boys get soccer and baseball.
Over the years we have seen some changes. In some households both mom and dad are involve and raising their kids together they split errands and chores that need to be done. I babysit for a family with 3 kids two boys and 1 girl, I think the parents do a great job showing their kids that all house chores are done equal. Some days the boys but the dishes on the dishwasher and the girl will setup the table and the next day they’ll switch.
I have two younger brothers ,but they only know how to do half of things my mom show me and same has happened to me I have no clue how to use a drill but my brothers do. When I moved away and needed to build a bookshelf and hang some shelfs I was completely useless I had no clue what I was doing. I remember calling my dad and whine about him never teaching me any of this.
All women and man should be treated equally and have the same rights and be able to decide on their own what they want and not.
I like that you simply said that feminism is for everyone. It’s too often that I will hear that feminism only benefits women when fighting patriarchy also benefits men. Dissolving the standards for being a ‘real woman’ will also dissolve the standards for what it is to be a man. I believe that the gender roles in western society have been incredibly harmful to our mental development and self esteem. Even with beauty standards, feminism combats both of these not only for the benefit of women but men as well. Too many people think that feminism isn’t needed in our country, but I don’t think they’re truly understanding how many deep rooted issues there are in our culture that stem from sexism. Even if they aren’t as obvious as the others, like the wage gap, or the idea that all women are weak, it’s the issues that are harder to point out that affect us the most.
You also mentioned an experience I shared as well, I was never allowed to be outside after dark, go anywhere without my parents, or a trusted adult (and there weren’t many my mother trusted) but my brother was allowed to roam the streets whenever he wanted. I definitely thought it was rooted in sexism at first myself but as I grew older I realized that as a woman regardless of how strong I may be that I will always be perceived as a potential target as opposed to my brother or any other man outside at that hour. My mother would keep me inside not because she thought I was weak but because she knew how disproportionately women are attacked in comparison to men. How much more likely it is for me to never see my family again, or how much more likely it is for someone to try to harm me without others stepping in. Environmentally speaking I also think it has a lot to do with New York’s culture of “minding your business.” Even if we have adopted the phrase “if you see something say something” that hardly ever is the route people take. More often than not it’s “if you see something, record it, instead of saying anything.” I definitely agree that women are put into a box so often that we get frowned upon when we step outside of it. So far I believe we’ve done a good job at dismantling it little by little but there is so much more work to be done in terms of the boxes we put ourselves in at the same time when trying to adopt new standards of beauty or intelligence to combat the old ones. You are right when you say others will try to control you too much, tell you who you are and refuse to accept you because of things you cannot change or don’t need to change. Especially when it comes to topics on trans women and men, too many people can’t grasp the concept of gender and sex being two different things, and how trans women ARE women, just as trans men are men.
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I agree that you said that we all deserve the same equal treatment and same rights. For a long time women were often told to stay home to be a housewife while the men would be the breadwinners. In addition women would also be allowed to do certain things and men will be allowed to do certain things as well. For example a woman will be limited to be a mechanician or a carpenter. Men would be limited to be a nurse because of his sex. Both sexes should be allowed to do any kind of job. Although this still exist, i feel like it was worse back then. One part that i disagree with you was when you were talking about cultures, and religions. I disagree because that is something that cannot be changed because it is their customs.