Peer Review
Summary of “A.I. Here, There, Everywhere,” and “Bing’s A.I. Chat: ‘I Want to Be Alive,’…
Nature vs. Nurture…
Topic: “Aspects of being an immigrant”
“Some women are coming here running for their lives. Some are coming here through no choice of their own. Some have been made false promises.” (ARCHI, HUMAN RIGHTS ADVOCATE). To begin, life for immigrants …
Immigrate is a tough decision and experience. In some cases, immigration means discover a new place, meet new people, look for a better quality of life and happiness. For others is the difference between life and death; meaning that in …
Read 2 classmates’ drafts and comment on them by commenting on their post and answering the peer review questions below:
Peer Review 3 / Argument Essay
- Does the draft include an introduction? Explain.
- Is there a clear, arguable thesis