… by replying to my post. This way, you can see what your classmates, have posted. Also, I will comment on your outlines here, so please check back next week/ after the due date. No attachments please, simply copy and …
Post your 5 interview questions here, by replying to my post. Next, interview 5 classmates and take notes. Finally, analyze your data by replying to yourself. Be sure to state your classmates’ names, and then describe and summarize your …
Read (and listen to if possible) one story from The Immigrant Story (except for “Competition from Within”). Retell the story in your own words and comment on it here, in Assignments, by replying to my post. …
Join code: BARNES-Q9FPZ. Please note that you only need this code to create an account. Once you have an account, you access the site by using your username and password.
Perusall.com: let’s annotate together. …
In your group, find an interesting source on AI, and post the link here. Next, read/ watch your classmates’ sources, and comment on their posts by summarizing the source and letting us know what you learned.…
Select 1 paragraph from A.I. Here, There, Everywhere. Summarize it, paraphrase it and respond to it. Post your work here in Assignments by commenting on my post. …
Find one TEDTalk video or article about family to share with the class.
Post the video or link to article here by replying to me.
Summarize and respond to it (in two separate paragraphs).
Watch a classmate’s video and write …