Peer Review 3: In class on 4/18

Read 2 classmates’ drafts and comment on them by commenting on their post and answering the peer review questions below:

Peer Review 3       / Argument Essay           

  1. Does the draft include an introduction? Explain.
  2. Is there a clear, arguable thesis statement? If so, copy it here. If not, explain.  
  3. Does each body paragraph begin with a topic sentence that supports the thesis? Explain.  
  4. Does the draft include brief summaries of the 4 required sources: Source 1Key Findings About U.S. Immigration, PEW Research Center + Source 2: “Competition from Within,” by Seth Eislund/ The Immigrant Story + Source 3: your interview your classmates about their immigrant experience and your own experience + Source 4: select 1 article from The Immigrant Story? Explain.
  5. Are the summaries in the author’s own words? Provide an example.
  6. Does the draft include an analysis of the 4 sources? Explain.
  7. Does the analysis support the thesis? Explain.
  8. Does the draft include quotes from the 4 sources? Explain.
  9. Does the draft include the author’s analysis of the quotes? Explain.
  10. Does the author avoid plagiarism?
  11. What are the strengths of this draft? Explain.
  12. What suggestions do you have for improving this draft? Explain.

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