Read 2 classmates’ drafts and comment on them by commenting on their post and answering the peer review questions below:
Peer Review 3 / Argument Essay
- Does the draft include an introduction? Explain.
- Is there a clear, arguable thesis statement? If so, copy it here. If not, explain.
- Does each body paragraph begin with a topic sentence that supports the thesis? Explain.
- Does the draft include brief summaries of the 4 required sources: Source 1: Key Findings About U.S. Immigration, PEW Research Center + Source 2: “Competition from Within,” by Seth Eislund/ The Immigrant Story + Source 3: your interview your classmates about their immigrant experience and your own experience + Source 4: select 1 article from The Immigrant Story? Explain.
- Are the summaries in the author’s own words? Provide an example.
- Does the draft include an analysis of the 4 sources? Explain.
- Does the analysis support the thesis? Explain.
- Does the draft include quotes from the 4 sources? Explain.
- Does the draft include the author’s analysis of the quotes? Explain.
- Does the author avoid plagiarism?
- What are the strengths of this draft? Explain.
- What suggestions do you have for improving this draft? Explain.