Should We Panic?

What about if A.I. has own free life? How can I be sure A.I. not use my info against me? It’s so dangerous I think. If A.I. don’t like me? Because meaning A.I. wanna free actually has personalty and nobody likes everyones and has personal truth about life. If A.I. didn’t like what I am doing in my life and A.I. has all info about me. Is A.I. use that for me? When I think that way it’s really uncomfortable thought.

What about if A.I. has own free life? How can I be sure A.I. not use my info against me? It’s so dangerous I think. If A.I. don’t like me? Because meaning A.I. wanna free actually has personalty and nobody likes everyones and has personal truth about life. If A.I. didn’t like what I am doing in my life and A.I. has all info about me. Is A.I. use that for me? When I think that way it’s really uncomfortable thought.

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