Draft Comparative Essay

Artificial intelligence is one of the most popular topics nowadays. Even though it has improved a lot, it can help you with daily tasks, studying and researchers keep finding ways to make it better and safe it still has some flaws for example privacy. In the article “A.I. Here, There, Everywhere” by Craig S. Smith, he points out that researchers describe technology today is the same as cellphones in the 1990s; difficult to use but useful. In the future the technology will make everything easier, specially with A.I. new inventions. But privacy still a big issue because A.I. needs data to learn patterns and make decisions but researcher are ensuring that we have control over our data. In comparison to the article “Bing’s A.I. Chat: ‘I Want to Be Alive” by Kevin Roose’s, he talks about his experience with the newest version of A.I  from Microsoft. The new upgrade permitted the user to have extended, open-ended text conversation with Bing, that was the built-in A.I chatbot. Even though in both articles the autors seems to believe that it would be impossible for machines to take over and have free will it looked the A.I had a big upgrade and we could be somewhere soon. It is very scary to think that a machine has all of our information and so many resources and power.

Craig S. Smith  starts his article- “A.I. Here, There, Everywhere” by telling a little story of someone who just woke up and asks google to change the temperature in the house and to turn on the lights. Even our relationship with technology will improve. It will become more customized. For example, machines will have its own personalities, but we don’t need to worry about machines taking over the world because free will in those are far away from happening. Even though the A.I has become a far way, privacy still a big issue because the A.I. needs data to learn patterns and make decisions but researcher are ensuring that we have control over our data. Nowadays, cameras can recognize faces and keep track of the visitors. In the near future it will be able to analyze behaviors and monitor us all the time if we want. Intelligent system will be able to watch and analyze daily activity patterns of seniors living alone and detect signs of dementia, sleep disorders, social isolation, etc… and notify caretakers. Streaming Services already uses A.I to show you movies or music similar to your preferences. Even though artificial intteligence is abstract people like to imagine a humanoid form of A.I. With the advances they are creating very realistic A.I. researchers are working on  combining technology and 2D avatars of people who cá; interact in real-time. Such avatars could help revolutionize education. They are already developing A.I tutoring systems. The Artificial intelligence has improved so much and researchers continue to explore all the possibilities in it. It makes such a big part of our days and we don’t even stop to think. Such as discovering new material to new drugs. 

The A.I have improved a lot but it still have its flaws, one of them even pointed out in the article- privacy, even though researchers are trying their best to do new encryption systems there’s always hackers out there with mean minds. Also, we need to consider that machines fail too. Sometimes people are so certain that machines are better because it doesn’t make mistakes, but they actually can broke if someone spill water by accident or if we have a energy breakdown where we live. My brother-in-law loves technology and his house is all controlled by A.I. Sometimes if you say a word slightly different of what is set up it will do the opposite action or something totally different from what you’re asking. For example, another day there was some music playing and I asked Alexa to play “quieter” and started calling 911 because she thought I said something related to emergency. Not that I’m against technology and A.I, I think it’s a lot of help in our day but we shouldn’t put all of our expectations in one system. 

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