Nature versus nurture has been a debate that has been going on for centuries. Nature refers to the genes and hereditary factors that influence who we are, while nurture refers to the environment and experiences we have throughout life. Supporters of nature argue that genes are responsible for everything that makes us who we are, while supporters of nurture believe everything we become is determined by our experiences and environment. While there is no clear consensus on which factor plays a larger role in shaping who we are, there is evidence to suggest that both nature and nurture are equally important influences. The Nature perspective suggests that our behavior is determined by our genetic makeup, while the Nurture Perspective contends that our behavior is determined by the world we are exposed to during our upbringing. Despite being opposites, the two theories are not mutually exclusive and instead, the truth likely lies somewhere in between. The Nature vs Nurture debate can be seen in many areas of society, from healthcare to education and more.
One thought on “Summary Nature Vs Nurture”
1. Does the draft include an introduction? Explain.
Yes post has an Introduction but I would make it separate paragraph
2. Does the draft include a summary?
Yes it does include summary.
3. Does the summary include key ideas from the text? Explain.
Yes it does include key ideas of the text but I would also mention text and writers.
4. Is the summary stated in the author’s own words? Explain.
Yes author did great job writing it with he’s own words it looks original
5. Does the draft include an analysis of the text? Explain.
Yes in the way but I would add more of the both sides on my final work.
6.Does the draft include quotes from the text? Explain.
No it does not include quotes from text but he delivered key ideas.
7.Does the draft include the author’s analysis of the quotes? Explain.
No the author right with he’s own words.
8.Does the author avoid plagiarism by attributing relevant ideas to the article? Explain.
No it was original so I would say its makes the text very original.
9.What are the strengths of this draft? Explain.
I would say strengths was that he did it with he’s own words and you can see he’s opinion.
10.What suggestions do you have for improving this draft?
Use more evidence from the text and would use more structure on the text.