Hi Everyone: I look forward to meeting you all on Thursday, January 26th, at 6:30PM, via Zoom!

Our class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30PM – 8:15PM on Zoom. 

Here is the Zoom link and info: https://bmcc-cuny.zoom.us/j/88085277593?pwd=TGZzdkVHUnljNzduSllBTU5OVnA5UT09

Meeting ID: 880 8527 7593/    Passcode: 519059

This course is hosted on BMCC’s OpenLab/ here.

Please sign up to BMCC OpenLab (see instructions here: BMCC OpenLab (cuny.edu). This is the first step to success in this class. Next, either accept my invitation to join this course or request membership to the course (whichever option you see when you click on the above course link, under the course avatar (same as below). Once you are a member of the OL and of this course, you will have full access to all course materials, and a part of our learning community. Welcome.

I have sent invitations to join the course to all those whose CUNYFirst email is the BMCC one. Keep in mind that you need a BMCC email to sign up for the OpenLab. If you don’t have one or are not sure what it is, follow the instructions above. If you received my invitation, please accept it. If you haven’t, please request membership in order to join the course. 

I know this may sound a bit complicated and possibly overwhelming at first, but I promise you that once you are all on the OpenLab, your experience will be sooooo much better than it would be on Blackboard. 

Also, you don’t have to do anything before we meet on Thursday, January 26th, in class. Feel free to explore the course site if you wish to.

Prof. Barnes 

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