I chose the poem Seven by Natalie Diaz because the way the author talked about Christiano Ronaldo grabbed me and made me want to read more. It showed how much Christiano Ronaldo meant to the soccer community and Maderia Portugal, the place he was born in. While reading the poem, I imagined Christiano Ronaldo playing on the soccer field and the crowd cheering for him as he tries to make a goal. I then began to think about how good of a soccer player he is and all his accomplishments. The poem also reminded me of all the Christiano Ronaldo jerseys I’ve seen people wear throughout kindergarten, middle school, and high school.
This poem is specifically an ode poem about the life of Christiano Ronaldo and what an amazing soccer player he is. This poem expresses how much he means to the soccer community, the author, and the country he was born in. Also, the way the poem was written made it seem like Christiano Ronaldo wrote this himself, “If I’m human, I am the lightest of them all, I’m a lamp and cover territory like a flame, speed like an Iberian wolf — my boots barely touch the ground. Beneath my feet every blade of grass lifts up in Spring and green-que te quiero verde! Alchemists call my sweat “aqua regia,” the King’s water, meaning I take gold. But my ambition ends up always wanting more, always wanting more” (lines 12-17). The author thinks very highly of him and appreciates his playing techniques on the soccer field.
After looking at the structure of the poem, I think this poem is more of a Pindaric ode/free verse. According to https://www.poetryfoundation.org/learn/glossary-terms/free-verse and https://www.vam.ac.uk/, a free verse is a verse in lines of irregular length and mostly irregular rhyming if there is any. Free verse follows the natural rhythms of speech and I saw that in this poem. The reason why I also said it’s a Pindaric ode because according to https://www.masterclass.com/, a Pindaric ode also includes irregular lines and rhyming schemes, I am chemical, elemental– I am Nitrogen, which translates to “nothing.”/ Nothing but force./ Nothing but pressure. Nothing but the back of the net. I am 78 percent of the earth’s atmosphere /– I am everywhere, and many. Breathe me in. If I’m human” (lines 9-12).
After reading the poem again while knowing that it’s a free verse, I kind of look at it in a different way. I still think the poem is about honoring Christian Ronaldo, but I can see how this needed to be a free verse. It allows the author to freely express how she feels about the famous soccer player. I think the poem had more feeling to it because there wasn’t a strict pattern. I also think the audience can connect to the author’s emotions better when it’s a free verse poem.
Another poem I chose to talk about is Skin Light by Natalie Diaz. I think the words she used were beautiful and it also had me wanting to read more of the poem. I was interested in understanding the meaning and why she used the words she used in the poem. I imagined a field full of glowing gold flowers at night and the flowers were getting brighter and brighter at the beginning of the poem. In the middle I imagined the flowers getting dimmer, then at the end I imagined the field of flowers getting brighter again. The feeling of bittersweet came up when I read this poem. I think that this poem is also a free verse because it has a natural rhythm of speech and gives the audience room for interpretation.
I think the similarities I see between Seven and Skin Light are that they both are free verses and that the author uses beautiful words to describe things in a touching way. They also give the audience space to interpret what the poem is about. I think that the author writing free verse poems helps her get her emotions across better than creating a poem with a specific structure. I think it allows her to connect with the audience better.
In conclusion, when I read the poem Seven by Natalie Diaz, I believe that it was a heartfelt tribute to Christiano Ronaldo. She was speaking for the soccer community and herself. After reading this poem, I realized how much Christiano Ronaldo means to the soccer community and his home country. It also made me think about how good of a soccer player he is to the world. After watching videos about Christiano Ronaldo shooting a goal, I can see why he is one of the best players in the world. I can also see why the author and the soccer community love him and are inspired by him and his achievements.