This spring semester was my second semester in college, and I was still new to college writing. From this semester, I have learned many new writing skills which will be helpful for me in the future as well. From the first week’s assignment up to now, I believe I was able to write good essays and writing because of the feedback I received from the professor and comments from classmates. This course actually encouraged me to write an outline, write a draft version, and then revise and finalize my paper. Over these 15 weeks, I struggled on a few assignments, but I still made good progress.
The assignments that I did pretty well is the poem we wrote about ourselves called “Where I’m From” and the other one is Desiree’s Baby where I had to write an ending to the story.
I loved my poem even though it took me about a few days to write it. During the writing process, it helped me stay in tune with my thoughts and feelings and it caused me to find out more about my personality, likes and dislikes, passions, and interests. For the second assignment was my way of writing a good ending that came out just like I wanted. I was “in the zone” on both assignments because I was focused.
The greatest challenges I faced during this semester is not feeling creative enough, understanding, and focusing on the point. We’ve had a lot of writing during this course so being a writer comes with its own set of difficulties which can make the writing tough. Whether I had many years of experience in writing or not, I still overcome struggles. Since I took 5 classes this semester, focusing on each course was challenging for me, especially since understanding each is important. However, I made it all on time, and was valuable in the end.
Looking back at this course, I learned how to carefully consider my ideas and how to organize them in my paper. I still need to improve on some stuff, but I am happy with how far I have come as a writer.