What I think New Mexico plan to provide tuition free college to state residents is a good idea because students don’t get much money and depending on the college it’s really expensive. It should be a public resource to primary and secondary school because at least students would be able to afford going to college.I think our state should adapt to a similar plan because there would be a chance for allot of students to attend college and would be more affordable. I want to attend college because I would be able to get a degree at something and would be able to get a good job . It will help me get a high paying job and would have the knowledge to help others and would be able to understand what to do.
I think whoever is capable and whoever wants to get a good job should go to college because it will help them get high paying jobs.They should be teachers, doctors, lawyer,etc.I think allot of universities across US are declining because of tuition fees and how college is expensive and not affordable. I think it is important for them to make college free and I think allot of people will consider going to college.I think it is worth the cost because the more people you get the more money will be made rather than fewer people attending but increased tuition.I think it would be more realistic with having assistance like Washington and Tennessee. Some groups of people should be helped with paying college tuition and maybe it will be a little more affordable for people.