A roller coaster ride that lasted 15 weeks, if anyone asked me what I would title this semester, this would be my answer. English 201 definitely shocked me a bit. I used to think English is an easy class, and this mindset almost set me up for failure this semester. I don’t know if this makes sense, but to me, the semester was fast and long at the same time. When I needed time to complete my missing assignments the days went quickly, but when I really wanted a break, the days were longer. I was a very bad procrastinator this semester, so bad that in the 10th week of this class, I had only completed 3 out of the 10 modules posted. It was really bad. If this semester taught me anything, it’s that I should sometimes appreciate deadlines and create them for myself. If I had known this earlier I would not be here typing my final 1 hour before it’s due.
This class has definitely taught me a lot about writing and time management. In the first week, I remember not doing my “Where I’m From” poem correctly because I was confused about the instructions, all I knew was I had to do a poem. I didn’t know what the poem was about and what the format was. I was really lost, but then I saw my classmate’s poems and I figured out how to complete the assignment. This assignment though was not the best because I didn’t follow the actual instructions. In this class, I think the best assignment that people didn’t see is my research article. I believe this was my best assignment because it is the only assignment I submitted on time, I put a lot of effort into it and I enjoyed doing it to some extent. I was really proud of myself when I completed it because when we first got it, I was so confused I didn’t know where to start because I hadn’t read the previous literature pieces. However, as soon as spring break hit, I was prepared and ready to do the work I needed to do. I guess I was in the zone, which was really cool. I think that was my most productive moment in this class. Even though I’m proud of this assignment I wouldn’t say it was my favorite. I think my favorite assignment was the erasure poem. I really like writing poems, and this was my first time doing an erasure poem so I found that very enjoyable.
My greatest challenge this semester was doing the work. I had zero motivation to do my work. Especially in this class, I would look at how long the pieces are to read and say “Nah, I’m not doing this now, maybe tomorrow.” I did this many times till I fell very behind. Thank God, I was able to catch up, and submit enough work to pass the class.
This class was a great class. I definitely benefited from it. I furthered my experience with WordPress, I learned to manage my time wisely, and best of all, I learned how to make an erasure poem. Many times you’ll be tempted to start later but if you start now you won’t have to do it later, I hope you all remember this is the future.