Final Reflection

Throughout the semester the body of work I have done was lengthy beyond my experience and looking over all the work from this semester there were multiple things that stood out to me. Such as the progress I’ve made in my writing skills starting from the total work given this semester. Little by little the assignments given throughout the course gave me the foundation that I needed in order for me to start building the current skills I am formulating in writing. The assignments challenged my knowledge along with my critical sense of writing and formulating interpretations, and theories, along with different writing types and more. Looking through all my writing from this semester up to now allowed me to establish and explore different writing styles. This built a structure which allowed me to explore and also use different writing styles. The assignments throughout the semester along with the different writing materials that I’ve explored gave me access to recognize a writing style that suited me  and allow me to realize the type of writing that I preferred to use. The progress that builds throughout the semester by indulging myself in the work brought me to the realization that I am becoming a better writer and also intertwines with different writing styles. As I progressed in writing and critical analysis I realized different writing styles and how to properly execute them to my advantage based on what writing piece I was given. 

I am most proud of the writing pieces that involve poetry and fiction. In-depth the poetry piece that included the blackout poetry piqued my interest due to not knowing much about poetry and having to explore information about it gave me a liking to poetry. As for fiction, the piece that involved the parents and critical thinking on whether parents should tell their children the truth no matter what gave me an interesting analysis of the good and bad spectrum of that writing piece. The experience I achieve while creating my work builds my confidence and work ethic, from the total writing pieces and readings I’ve learned from. You explore and dive into numerous writing forms along with materials that demonstrate multiple structures of writing. My current writing skill I can’t say it shows my best due to trying to navigate into which writing style I want to produce but with the experience and skill set of acquiring the knowledge of these different writing types I can formulate writing pieces that I can call my best. 

During the semester many challenges arose that tapped into my temporary limitations that would be describable such as greatest challenges. From the complex reading materials to the vast writing forms and structure of writing pieces the difficulty level is always shuffled. Another challenge that arose during the semester was time management. Not knowing the right way to manage your time can make the simplest things difficult, which in terms of assignments for the semester can become very stressful. Not having proper time management forces you to be inconsistent with your assignments along with the materials and memorization of the knowledge needed to complete the assignments. Difficult situations sprung upon when learning about the particular concept of poetry. I did not know that material so the understanding of it was in itself also complicated. 

However, to conclude everything was challenging but an enjoyable experience from beginning to end of this semester. From having no skill set, little to no knowledge, and an incomplete writing form, I was able to achieve better versions of myself in those categories and more. In-depth a wide knowledge of writing pieces, reading materials, and writing types to apply to my arsenal whenever I’m doing a writing assignment thanks to the experience of getting through this semester. Altogether I’m thankful for the experience and knowledge I’ve gained from this course during this semester.

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