marriage proposal

Marriage proposals are typically built on love and center around two people’s romantic relationship, however, this does not appear to be the case in Chekov’s drama “The Marriage Proposal.” This drama reflected how Russians thought about marriage in the nineteenth century, which was mostly about money. Chekov portrays marriage proposals as a benefit based on social position. He claims that some people rush towards proposals even though they are unsuitable.

Chekov’s play also features gender symbolism. Chekov incorporates the concept into his play by having Natalya call Ivan and wait for him to initiate contact, even though she already knew he was planning to propose to her. People nowadays think it should be more than just getting down on one knee and asking; it should be something you can share on social media and have others discuss. Individuals are lead to having unrealistic expectations and require the extravaganza in order to be satisfied. 

I still see traditional gender roles in marriage, such as the male working and supplying while the woman cleans, cooks, and looks after the kids. Although these roles will always be present, society has learned to be more equal with one another. Women can work and provide for their families and men can assist with household tasks and their child’s care.

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