Discussion Post Topic 2

In my opinion parents should tell the truth to their children but also be cautious of what they do and say around them. Children can mimic their parents by saying things they say or do things that they do. Although I’ts okay for parents to tease when it comes to fun fictional kid stuff. Like Santa Clause, The tooth fairy, the monster in the closet can be fun things for kids to look forward to and to have that happy childhood nostalgia when they get older. But also things that doesn’t need to be hidden shouldn’t be necessary to hide from children. Just because they’re young should not mean that they should be hidden from the truth. Also when children are hidden from the truth it could make it worse and make them have a different point of view on things.

2 thoughts on “Discussion Post Topic 2

  • May 24, 2022 at 8:19 am

    I agree with this too, its important for parents to be honest with their children, because that can lead to misinterpretation’s in the future or even in the present which can be dangerous.

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