Armand shockingly read the letter again and again, his eyes wide open and full of fear. Thirty minutes have passed, and Armand is still at a loss for what to do because his mother’s words keep repeating in his head, “belongs to the race that is cursed with the brand of slavery.” Sorrow and disappointment welled up in him, and he felt so bad for his wife and baby that he blamed Desiree for her skin color. In a panic, he stuffed the letter into his pocket and dashed off to get back his wife and baby from Valmonde. Before making a way to Valmonde’s, Armand cried as he burned the letter in his backyard. He realized he needed to make things right for the rest of his life by helping free the slaves since now he knows he is a part of them.
5 thoughts on “Armand”
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Hey, I like your ending of this story. Your depiction of Armand showed his love and care directly. It makes a big contrast before he knew he was beings to the race that is cursed with brand of slavery. Nice job!
Hey, this was really good! I enjoyed reading it. It was very impressive and the way you ended the story was incredible. It played a big part in showing sympathy.
hey, loved this! i loved reading your ending you can definitely say it grabbed my attention!
Hi Shakhrizoda! I enjoy how you show Armand “evolving” as a person in your alternate ending. He recognizes that he is black and that it is not a problem. We also had a similar ending in which Armond frees the slaves and goes back to his family.
Wow I really liked how you ended this. I never thought about making Armand an ally to the slaves, but it does make sense, since he found out he could have easily been one of them if he were just born a little darker.