
The end of this story truly stunned me, as I’m sure it also stunned Armand. Considering that Desiree and the baby are long gone by the time he realizes the huge mistake that he has been made, I’m not sure that there is anything for Armand to do besides go down a rabbit hole of self-loathing and questioning his identity. If I was a fly on the wall to observe how Armand would react in that moment, I imagine him falling to his knees, screaming and crying, totally hysterical in the fact that he gave up both his wife and child for a “curse” that really came from his family. I also imagine that would never share this information with anyone else, scared that someone would treat him the way he treated his own wife.

4 thoughts on “Armand

  • March 27, 2022 at 7:27 pm

    Hi! I love your interpretation on this scene. It stunned me too. As soon as I discovered that it actually came from Armand, I had to reread the story to read it with a different perspective. I agree with your point that there really is not any other thing for Armand to do except to go down a rabbit hole. I cannot really imagine that someone who hated the fact that his child and spouse may have had black blood in them, would be able to just turn around and accept that it is he who has the black blood in him. I feel like your post is very similar to time, except 100 times better.

  • March 30, 2022 at 9:02 pm

    It is good for a person to taste his own medicine. Displaying Armand bearing the curses of his child and wife is a good ending. It balances Armand’s bad things to his family because he now has to undergo the same bad times. It is good to make him never wish to face all the things that he had his family go through.

  • May 7, 2022 at 10:08 am

    I was also stunned when I got to the end. I agree that Armand will go down a rabbit hole because of the information he received

  • May 15, 2022 at 8:12 pm

    While I find it unfortunate for Desiree and the child, I did not find it horrible for Armand either as he may only blame himself for his mistakes. Hopefully the idea of the origins being a curse is changed.

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