I am from glass tables,
from Lysol and Febreze.
I am from the small taupe apartment, which smells of cigarette smoke and vanilla
I am from the snake plant,
the golden gate
I am from family reunions
and stubbornness,
from Pat
and Troy and Andrea.
I am from the unwillingness to get along
and the resistance to change.
From “just get it next time”
and “you can’t be perfect”
I am from a strong but sometimes wavering belief in a higher power.
I’m from New York and uncertain origins,
Chicken and Chocolate cake.
From the dedication of a mother to raise her children as well as someone else’s,
the supportive father who worked hard to provide,
and the unrelenting will to survive.
I am from the always messy yet somehow neat photo. Although the pictures fade and the pages start to age the memories held within them will always remain
Hi Trinasia, I really enjoyed your poem. There are so many strong lines that resonated with me. From the beginning, you did a great job at really painting a picture, using smells and colors. Going deeper in, the lines about wavering beliefs and the unrelenting will to live really struck up a lot of emotion for me. I think you talk about your family in such an appreciative and supportive way.