Week 05

Terrified girl with hands in front of face

Activity 1

Click this link to read the short story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” by Joyce Carol Oates. Feel free to browse this website, as well.

[OER source: celestialtimepiece.com]

Creative Commons ShareAlike

Activity 2

Click this link to access a very illuminating analysis of “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” by Joyce Carol Oates from the BMCC Library database Literature Resource Center. In case you have trouble with this link, I have attached a PDF version of the article.

Eerie road through woods

Activity 3 (optional)

Click this link for a podcast reading of the Oates story. The voice is a bit eccentric (and I wouldn’t listen to this in the dark) but you may enjoy it!

Activity 4

You may have wondered why this story is dedicated to Bob Dylan. Click this link for a Wall Street Journal article, which explains the author’s dedication of “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” to the iconic folk singer Bob Dylan.

Queen, dressed in yellow gown and ermine-trimmed robes, brandishes a fan and preens in front of a mirror

Activity 5

Click this link to access “Little Snow White” by the Brothers Grimm.

This version of “Little Snow White”  has a slightly different ending.

Activity 6

Please read the fascinating analysis of “Snow White” by renowned psychoanalyst Bruno Bettleheim. This is an excerpt from his acclaimed book The Uses of Enchantment. Scroll down to page 199 to begin reading.

Activity 7

Old woman peddler shows her wares to a dark-haired girl at the window of a cottage
CC by-SA-3.0

Click here to access the poem “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” by Anne Sexton.

Activity 8

Click this link to access a fascinating analysis of Anne Sexton’s poem “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” from the Literary Reference Center database in BMCC’s online library. I have also attached it here in PDF format. 

Illustration of Snow White sitting on bed surrounded by dwarfs.

Activity 9

Click this link for my short lecture on the Snow White story in its various permutations.

Activity 10

Click here to access the fairytale “Bluebeard” by Charles Perrault and related analysis.

Click here for another version of “Bluebeard.”

Activity 11

Quiz 5

This quiz is a 25-question midterm quiz that includes all material covered from Weeks 1 through 4. Quiz will be available from 9:00 a.m. Monday, October 2 through 11:59 p.m. Sunday, October 8. Students have 90 minutes to complete the quiz, which must be done in one sitting. After that time, the quiz will become unavailable and unviewable to students.

Activity 12

Click here to access the Week 5 discussion board.

Illustration of distraught girl on a balcony overlooking forest
Public Domain