I can draw a similarity from my childhood to “The House on Mango Street.” One particular part that i can personally relate to my early years is “Hairs.” Styling my hair was an ongoing challenge; my aunt was always working support our family, leaving her with little time to tend […]
Week 06 Discussion
The most recent immigrant in my family is my cousin Darren and his family. Darren and I are the same age. When he was 16, Darren and his family moved from the island of Jamaica to New York. His family of four moved in with my family of five. Though […]
As I read the prompt, the first immigrant that came to mind for me was my grandfather. My grandfather was born and raised in Trinidad and Tobago, with his mother, father, and two siblings. His family struggled at times, but he managed to get by. He lived in the Caribbean […]
I’m not an immigrant but I do have family that originated from Kingston,Jamaica . Through the years I understand the hardships with migrating and gaining an income in a new country. I was able to relate when Espinoza had the desire of having a better home to dwell in. When […]
As I read the prompt, the first immigrant that came to mind for me was my grandfather. My grandfather was born and raised in Trinidad and Tobago, with his mother, father, and two siblings. His family struggled at times, but he managed to get by. He lived in the Caribbean […]
My grandmother on my father’s side was an immigrant to the US, and she has a lot of trouble learning English when she came here. All of her family religiously spoke spanish and despite their efforts to learn the language, close to nobody was able to fully grasp it and […]
I am not an immigrant to the U.S., but my parents are. My parents immigrated to the U.S. before I was born so that they could have a better life. Years passed and I was born. One vignette that resonates with my childhood is “My Name” because of my unique […]
I am not an immigrant to the U.S., but my parents are. They emigrated from Mexico to the United States with the hope of providing a better future for our family and to support their extended family back home. One specific personal experience that echoes in The House on Mango […]
Although I’m not an immigrant, I can relate to a childhood experience that mirrors a situation in “The House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros. In the vignette “Hairs,” the main character, Esperanza, discusses her emotions and experiences regarding her hair. She talks about how her hair is distinct from […]
I am not an immigrant. Both of my parents live in China, and I reside in an isolated condo apartment in Manhattan, where there is no interaction with neighbors. Therefore, I can’t quite relate to Esperanza’s longing for a “real house,” as her desire is tied to her upbringing and […]
I am an immigrant to the United States. I am originally from the Dominican Republic, immigrated in 2009. The vignette “My Name” echoes with me because when I was in 2nd grade I didn’t like my last name. I didn’t because my classmates were laughing at my last name. I […]
I am not an immigrant to this country nor is any of my immediate family. However, just because I am not an immigrant doesn’t mean that my family was immune to the trials and tribulations associated with poverty. That’s why the first vignette resonated with my own childhood experiences with […]
A childhood experience that I had and it’s echoed to the story “The House on Mango Street” dates back to my elementary days. His name was Mario, a non speaking English student. I remember the first day he stepped foot in my class, he was greeted first by our teacher […]
I do not have personal experiences or family members. However, I can provide an example of my childhood experience echoed in the ”House on Mango Street”. One vignette that resonates with my childhood experiences is ” Hairs” I had so much trouble doing my hair, my mom worked too hard […]
I am not an immigrant, but my mother and sister are. My mom was born in the Dominican Republic and had my older sister there. She moved to New York when she was 21 and my older sister was 1. There are many many many things that were extremely similar […]
Choose one of the following prompts: if you are an immigrant to the U.S., please share one specific personal experience that is echoed in The House on Mango Street. Be sure to identify the name of the vignette. If you are not an immigrant to the U.S., who in your […]