week 2 discussion

In”The Wife,” the poem highlights the traditional roles and expectations of women in the 19th century. The poem shows how the wife as someone who is expected to be submissive, obedient, and supportive of her husband. In “Another Evening at the Club”  the story is set in a more modern, 20th-century Egyptian context. However, it also addresses gender roles and expectations, particularly in the context of marriage. The wife in the dickinson’s poem, fights with societal expectations of her role as a wife and mother in the that time and the tension between conforming to societal norms and breaking free from them. The speaker questions the roles for women and contemplates what it means to be a wife. In “Another Evening at the Club,” the speaker faces a similar internal struggle between conforming to her traditional role as a wife and mother and the desire to break free from societal norms.

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