Elizabeth Reyes Discussion 1

I honestly was very conflicted as to why “The Most Handsome Drowned Man” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez was our first story. I thought it was extremely random and pointless, but I gathered that that was exactly the reason. I felt as though you wanted us to experience something completely foreign to us and then envision ourselves from a different perspective. The point of this course to expand our literature knowledge so we will dive into a lot of different literature pieces that will place us mentally elsewhere. The ending of the story when all the villagers change their homes and environment to continue the memory of beautiful dead giant is a message to the readers. People adjust their lives and beliefs when new information that is valued as important is presented. So from my perspective the goal was to read the story as an example that we as readers should be like the villagers and be welcoming to the new information we learn during this course and hopefully give us a new perspective in life that we do not forget.

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