Covid- 19 was one of the scariest and unforgettable times ever for many of us. I remember everything happening so fast in March 2020 when the government first placed the city on lockdown. I saw how Covid and the lockdown started to affect everyone after a while. When we first went on lockdown it was great, everyone thought it was a little break from work, school, our daily lives. As time kept passing and weeks went by and we were still on lockdown, many started to mourn their normal lives back. Not only did we have a life threatening disease plaguing our people globally, crime and violence ran rapidly through the city. Everyday and all day around these times all we heard on the news and tv was Covid-19 and the number of deaths it’s caused. Death was so common and talked about at this time that it made many feel numb after a while. As for the violent people and criminals who were already out, this was the perfect opportunity to commit crimes. Violence was very high during Covid because there were so many issues going on at the time, and most criminals were allowed to bond or released back out because the system was so backed up. There were a few police shootings that took place as well which led to events like Manhattan being rioted and vandalized. It was by far one of the craziest moments that we weren’t prepared for at all. Covid- 19 connects with the plague in “Oedipus the King” because there was a sudden chaos within the city. King Oedipus was confused when the city of Thebes and the people were struck with this curse because he didn’t do anything or so he thought. The citizens were dying from the plague at a rapid rate, their crops and soil were decaying, women were dying while giving births, and newborn children were born sick. After Oedipus sends his brother Creon to figure out how to end the plague, he comes back and informs him he has to find the murderer of the previous king. This was ironic to me that in order to end the plague they had to find the murderer and kill him, it was the price he had to pay to end the chaos placed on Thebes.