Ashantay Powell Discussion #3

Of this tragedy, it conveys to teach how to bear and react to suffering, pity and fear.In the story they were experiencing a famine  on their vegetation, cattle , women and children. The people of Thebes were very distressed of this time period. With this plague it was only enclosed within this city. This land was led by Oedipus the King. However, with the recent unprecedented pandemic of COVID-19 it was actually a global pandemic. This was controlled by the citizens on controlling this virus. We would refer to the higher up( governors and presidents). It would affect young children or older adults .While the plague of Thebes burned the flesh of the people, Covid would affect the lungs and create severe conditions. Another part  of correlation with these two occurrences is the curing aspect. In the city of Thebes, it was mandatory to avenge the death of former king Lauis. Also, help from the Greek god themselves : Zeus (God of Healing), Athena ( Protect Thebes ) . On the other hand, with the recent pandemic of Covid , vaccines were created and prohibitions was instilled such as masks, constant use of sanitizing and regular testing for the virus.

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