Ashantay Powell Discussion 2

The theme of the poem “The Wife” is echoed in the story of “Another Evening at the Club” because it creates an emphasis and aurora of what women had to endure of their daily lives.  It signifies that of the nineteenth century time period, men made the important and woman had no choice but to abide by them. It is clear in the story of “Another Evening at the Club” that the woman was disappointed in herself for putting such a disappointing accusation the servant. Her true intention was to speak the truth of what happen to her emerald ring. However, her husband immediately refused and thought of an idea that make his wife’s hand clean. At that given point, it was clear to notice the power men hold to woman during this century, Of the poem ” The Wife” it proclaims the expectations and the role of women. They lived in a society where a woman will not have true value unless she holds a title of wife or mother. One quote that stood out to me was in ” Another Evening at the Club,” “The gesture told her more eloquently than any other words that he was the man, she the woman, He3the one who carried the responsibilities, makes the decision, she the one who suppose to be beautiful, happy and carefree.”

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