Welcome to Week 3

Illustration of King Oedipus and Jocasta in white robes
CC 3.0

Welcome to Week 3 of our online course. This week will be exploring one of the great tragedies of Western literature, Oedipus the King. I look forward to hearing your responses as we examine the complex character of the doomed king and ponder timeless questions about the human condition.

The paragraph assignment was due on Sunday, September 17th. No late essays will be accepted after Sunday, September 24th.

This week there is a quiz that tests your knowledge of literary terms.

Also, please review “How Discussion Boards Are Graded” so that you can receive full credit for your posts.

NOTE:  When posting in the discussion board, please do not change anything under “Sticky Category.” Leave that as is. It will read “Select a Category.” If you change this, your post gets placed before the instructions.



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