The vignette from this weeks assigned reading The House on Mango Street that I chose was 62 Elenita, Cards, Palm, Water. I liked this reading because I actually really enjoy astrology, tarot and little rituals in my life. Elenita is called a “witch woman” in the vignette and it seems like she does brujeria rituals and is a psychic. Esperanza is disappointed in her message from Elenita.” Ah, yes, a home in the heart. I see a home in the heart. Is that it? That’s what I see, she says,” Esperanza wants a home but Elenita only see’s a home in heart not an actual material home. Esperanza is rightfully feeling disappointed and skeptical. The part that made me laugh was “Then she takes my hand and looks into my palm. Closes it. Closes her eyes too. Do you feel it, feel the cold? Yes, ) lie, hut only a little”. It reminded me of when we read Salvation by Langston Hughes and he lies and says he sees the holy spirit.