Alex Barrios- Final Discussion

My apologies I seem to receive the notifications really late on my phone. I know it’s too receive a grade but I still write for the final discussion board just it’s honestly fun to write an express my thoughts. I would say the reading that had the most impact for me was “Araby”. Not because of the story itself but what it forced me to do. It helped me get out of my comfort zone and forced me to care. one of the most challenging aspect of writing out these discussion board and the essay is that I didn’t care enough about the story. I didn’t find myself interested their stories because I honestly it was boring. However trough trial and error as well as having to rewrite my essay and attend my screenwriting class. I came to a realization that in order to write stories that I care about. I have to be an effective writer and to do that I need to read and write things that are not part of my immediate orbit. I need to create a connection so that I can write in a way that feels comfortable and natural to me.

Anyways thank you Professor. I used to write simply for myself and to write my thoughts and ideas down but I’ve come to enjoy it as it’s own art form. I still have a long way to go but I do feel motivated to continue on forward with my writing.

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