Dear Adichie, I’m writing this letter to you regarding your TedTalk that focuses on feminism. I came to tell you that I totally agree with everything you stated and I relate to it as well. I related to the part …
Feminism means to me can be defined as being about all genders based on equal rights and the opportunities to have in general during lifetime. It is known for respect from women’s experiences, identities, knowledge and strengths, to earn the …
Feminism to me is wanting to create an equal opportunity for all genders. Breaking the stereotypes that women aren’t rich, or smart, or intelligent. Feminism to me has been around me and my family for ages. Although my mother and …
Feminism means to me can be defined as being about all genders based on equal rights and the opportunities to have in general during lifetime. It is known for respect from women’s experiences, identities, knowledge and strengths, to earn the …
To me, feminism is a movement that focuses on deconstructing the patriarchy and establishing an embrace of femininity. A movement that pushes equality for the sexes but also builds strong core values for anything associated with the word femininity. Most …