Students: Isabella Ciriaco, Janaina Macagnan de Souza
Dear Freshman,
First of all, congratulations, and welcome to your first semester at BMCC! I bet that right now there are a lot of feelings and thoughts going through your mind: you might …
Chimamanda Adichie starts her speech by introducing the topic “the danger of a single story”. The speaker claims that during her childhood she was strongly influenced by white western books and stories, and the stories she would write were shaped …
In “Proficiency”, Shannon Nichols shares with her readers a personal experience of her as a 9th grade student taking a high school test that is mandatory for High School graduation in the state of Ohio and the outcomes of …
Hello everybody! My name is Janaina (but I mainly go by Jana to 99% of people besides my mother) and this is my first semester at BMCC. I’m so thrilled to restart my academic journey after having graduated …