What is feminism Lucian Benjamin


Lucian Benjamin

Professor Barnes

What feminism means to me is the empowerment of women. I would consider myself a feminist because of the unfair advantages men have carried in this country/world for centuries. There has been this expectation placed upon women to be caretakers and sacrifice their personal life for the sake of children or maintaining the house. It's amazing seeing the modern revolution of women beginning to get rid of that expectation and create their own futures.

Adichie’s relationship with feminism is clear; she grew up in Nigeria which, as she says, was a very traditional society where women were the caretakers and men were the ones who worked. She was called a feminist as an insult by one of her best friends when she was 9 years old. Adichie views feminism as a way to simply acknowledge everyone as equals. She acknowledges the biological differences between men and women but then follows that up with the people who are in power are the most creative not the strongest anymore. Adichie states “ In Lagos I cannot go alone into many ““reputable”” bars and clubs. They just don't let you in if you’re a woman alone, you have to be accompanied by a man. (5)” Adichies is clear that there is societal pressure placed upon women to conform when that is not what they all desire. Her main belief is that men and women should have equal opportunity.

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