Feminism is a social, political, and economic movement that promotes human rights and gender equality. Being a feminist means believing in equal rights for all genders. It is not about hating men or the idea of men being better than …
I hope this finds you well. I recently watched your TEDxTalk “We should all be Feminists” for one of my classes and I could not agree more! I recognize that my view on this is limited as …
My name is Isabella, I’m 27 years old and I was born in São Paulo, Brazil. We have different backgrounds, but there is one thing that bond us: we are women. And being a …
Feminism to me is women empowerment. Any gender can be a feminist, to become a feminist the person must be an advocate for women equality and for their rights and opportunities to be equal as men, and …
I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. I’m Lili, and recently, I had the opportunity to watch your TED Talk “We Should All Be Feminists”, and I want to express how it changed my perspective …