Shada Lauderdale-Coversation #3


In the story, "Snapchat Wants You to Post. It's Willing to Pay Millions.", Snapchat creates a new Tik-Tok like feature called Spotlight. Spotlight was debuted in November and is used for users to share short-form videos and possibly make money if their video goes viral. Snapchat's main focus was on being a messaging platform before expanding to become a platform for social media creators. Cam Casey was one of the first to upload a video of a science experiment of a Coca-Cola bottle exploding to Snapchat. Casey was one of the thousands of other people to make money through Snapchat. Snapchat started promoting influencers from different platforms such as TikTok stars and Gen Z influencers. Snapchat began verifying creators with large followers as well as celebrities. Andrea Roma was a merchandiser who used the platform but did not consider herself a social media influencer, until one day she uploaded a video of her sister deep frying a turkey on Spotlight. Roma video went viral and she earned half a million dollars. CJ OperAmericano, a content creator, has posted videos to Snapchat and has worked with major brands and primarily on TikTok which made her no money. OperAmericano started posting videos on Spotlight and made over $100,000 since. Snapchat became a new platform for TikTokers since it became a more competitive platform for creators.
I think Snapchat allowed creators the ability to earn money which is not done on any other platforms. This created more followers for Snapchat with the feature of Spotlight. Spotlight can be used by anyone who creates content and allows the person to get a substantial amount of money if their video goes viral. Snapchat now has the ability to compete with platforms like TikTok because of this brilliant idea. Spotlight has created a successful outcome for Snapchat because it's influence of the feature has become a sensation.

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