In the article “snapchat wants you to post. Its willing to pay millions” it talks about snapchats new feature called spotlight and how influencers and TikTok stars can post on this feature to get paid money from snapchat. In this feature creators can post short videos. snapchat has come up with this feature in November and has been distributing over a million dollars a day to influencers. this new feature can be lifechanging and as anyone can upload a video and if it goes viral snapchat will pay them to upload more viral videos. Snapchat wasn’t always a platform to display viral content but spotlight changes that as before snapchatting would be a way to message friends. This change also allows videos similar to TikTok such as dancing videos, pranks and others viral videos to be posted. With snapchat you don’t even have to ask to be paid but when your video does well snapchat will just pay you money. With this snapchat is changing people’s lives. This change has allowed people to become influencers and sell merchandize. With this new feature snapchat has been competing with TikTok as snapchat is making influencers and creators happier by them making over 100,000 otherwise on TikTok some influencers have struggled to make money.