Conversation one- Lukas Valencia

Lukas Valencia Conversation one 

English 101 

  • How does the author feel about her writing abilities? 

Shannon Nichols explains her shock when she realizes she had failed the one section she considered her favorite, writing. In the article, she says “Until that time, I loved writing just as much as I loved math. It was one of my strengths” (Nichols 11). Realizing that she had failed the writing part of the exam by half a point, causing her to question if she was a good writer from the start. After failing the proficiency exam for a second time, Nichols began to despise writing, saying in the article, “I started to doubt myself” (Nichols 30).  

  • How does the author feel about standardized tests? 

The author believes that standardized tests can be unjust because every student is a different writer. Nichols even started telling her, “Apparently–I told myself—the people grading these tests didn’t have the slightest clue about what good, constituted writing is”, (Nichols 22). I can also see that the author could see the exam diminish students’ high hopes in subjects that they feel confident in.  

  • Retell the author’s journey as a writer. 

From the start, Shannon Nichols was a natural-born artist. From the beginning, they had fallen in love with writing in ways we can’t describe. Even their fellow teachers have acknowledged their writing and English learning skills. Once the proficiency exam came, it felt like a roadblock for them. Nichol’s results from their first proficiency exam not only changed their outlook on their English learning abilities but changed their input and output on writing forever.  

  • If you were Mrs. Brown, the author’s English teacher, what would you say when the author asked: “How can I get A’s in all my English classes but fail the writing part of the proficiency test twice?” 

If I were Mrs. Brown, I’d explain to my students the different contents and outcomes people expect in writing and the proficiency exam. Although my English class would consist of everything needed to write a good piece and to attract an audience. The proficiency exam is to show that you can use all the abilities you’ve learned throughout your time in school.  

  • Has there been a time in your life when you doubted your abilities as a writer or in general? Explain. 

At the beginning of my college experience at City College, I felt like I was a completely different writer than the other students in my class. Every time I had to write an essay or assignment, part of me felt like a weaker writer than usual. I had to learn to overcome these steps throughout the years for me to succeed as a better writer.  

  • How do you feel about your writing abilities? 

I may not be a good writer in general, but I know that I can overcome most odds in certain situations. As a writer, I can contribute more than I usually could and could overall create an excellent piece through hard work. At the same time, I have difficulties trying to make sure essays, assignments, etc. come out in a good understanding way  

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