Hello everyone! My name is Isabella, I’m 27 years old and I’m Brazilian! I’ve been living in New York City for over three years now and what was supposed to be just “temporary” became my home. I have a bachelor in Tourism and Hospitality (from Brazil) and now I’m majoring in Digital Marketing because I believe there’s a parallel between the two fields and together, both degrees will help me accomplish one of my future goals: work for tourism development here in New York. I love travel and this is a picture from my last trip by myself, to New Orleans!

3 thoughts on “Hi, from Isabella”
Hey Isabella, Pleased to meet you! I am captivated by your trip from Brazil to New York City. I respect your determination to reach a shared objective by integrating your expertise in digital marketing and tourism. You seem to be embarking on an extraordinary journey! How has it been balancing school and life in this exciting city? I bet your solo trip to New Orleans was jam-packed with exciting experiences. Do you have any favorite moments or suggestions from over there?
Hey, thank you! As this is my first semester I’m still trying to figure it out how to balance school and life. And about New Orleans, believe it or not, my favorite things were the Beignets and the cemetery tours!
Hey Isabella – I love that we share the same Brazilian background and that we are also entering this Digitar Marketing major journey together – I am so happy for you! Considering all the places you have ever been to, which one has been your favorite? And what is a place you have not been to yet but you can not wait to visit?