Week 12 – Monetary Policy

Before class on Tuesday, 11/09
Read: Lumen Learning “Monetary Policy” and “Monetary Policy and Open Market Operations”
Watch (8:10): Schamus (2014)

In Class

Before class on Thursday, 11/11
have done or attempted all of Weekly Review 10

Material Links
Lumen Learning. (2021). Module 13: “Monetary Policy” https://courses.lumenlearning.com/wm-macroeconomics/chapter/tools-of-monetary-policy/ and “Monetary Policy and Open Market Operations“ https://courses.lumenlearning.com/wm-macroeconomics/chapter/monetary-policy-and-open-market-operations/
Schamus, James. (2014). “The Second Part of That Film About Money.” wetheeconomy.

One thought on “Week 12 – Monetary Policy

  1. Lingjiao Gong

    1. How the central bank executes monetary policy by changing the discount rate?

    2.According to “Monetary Policy”(2021),I learned that monetary policy is the macroeconomic policy laid down by the central bank and central banks have three kinds of tools to conduct monetary policy in the economy, Changing the discount rate, Changing reserve requirements and Open market operations.

    3.My favorite part is I learned about the pivotal role of central banks in this week’s reading is to conduct monetary policy to achieve price stability and to help manage economic fluctuations,the social economy can maintain price stability.


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