Week 13 – Government Budgets

Additional Resources:

Darrick Hamilton is a professor at the my graduate department. He is a BedStuy native who works on revolutionary expansionary policy and talks here about the limits of monetary policy and its interaction with stocks and politics. We didn’t watch in class but I suspect it is of interest to many:

Goodman, A. and J. González. (2020, August 19). “We Will Make Biden Do It: Economist Darrick Hamilton on Pushing the Next Admin to the Left.” DemocracyNow.

Resources from class:

Kelton, Stephanie. (2018, August 20). Interview with Fareed Zakaria. CNN.

Lu, Marcus. (2020, October 30). “Charting America’s Debt: $27 Trillion and Counting.” Visual Capitalist. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/americas-debt-27-trillion-and-counting/

BMCC Economics Seminar Series: Meet Dr. Rhonda Vonshay Sharpe

Dr. Sharpe is a big deal.

All semester we’ve been talking about the economy in the Aggregate — all summed up together. Dr. Sharpe will be talking about the limitations of looking at the economy this way. I highly recommend!

November 10 at 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm | Zoom / Eventbrite

Rhonda Vonshay Sharpe

Join us for a talk by economist Dr. Rhonda Vonshay Sharpe. Dr. Sharpe is the Founder and President of the Women’s Institute for Science, Equity and Race (WISER) and board member of the International Association for Feminist Economics and Diversifying and Decolonizing Economics.

Dr. Sharpe will be speaking about the Importance of Disaggregating Data to Measure Inequality.

RSVP for this event to receive the Zoom link.

Dr. Sharpe is the co-editor of the Review of Black Political Economy and served as the past President of the National Economic Association. In 2020, she was selected to serve on the Center for American Progress’ National Advisory Council on Eliminating the Black-White Wealth Gap. She is the co-founder (with Sandy Darity) of the Diversity Initiative for Tenure in Economics (DITE), for which she served as the Associate Director from 2008 to 2014.

Dr. Sharpe’s research focuses on three areas: gender and racial inequality, the diversity of STEM, and the demography of higher education. Her research has been featured on the PBS News Hour, in the New York Times, and on the Kerri Miller Show. She is a recurring guest on the BBC’s Business Matters.

This talk is sponsored by the Department of Social Sciences, Human Services, and Criminal Justice, the Economics Program and the Economics, Equality and Environment Academic Club.

If you have any questions, contact Professor Christine Farias at cfarias@bmcc.cuny.edu or Roshelle Sumner at bmcceeeclub@gmail.com.

Week 10 – Keynesian Cross & Multiplier

These are the full forms of the pages we worked through in class on Tuesday, 10/27. If you would like to see simplified version of these graphs, draw them out for yourself by:

  1. Draw and label the axes
  2. (optional step, only if it helps) Draw and label the Consumption Line
  3. Draw and label the Aggregate Demand Line
  4. Draw and label the Y=AD line
