
Welcome to ECO201.1400 – Introduction to Macroeconomics!

At the top of this page you will see the header: ECO 201 | Macroeconomics | Al Eisenbarth | Section 1400 | Fall 2020 It lets you know that you are in the right place. It will always be present so long as you are on this course’s webpage.

For help activating your BMCC OpenLab account, please click here.

Please introduce yourself by commenting on this post.

Below the header, you will see a horizontal menu bar. This will also always be at the top of our course site. Home should be bold now because you are on the Home page.

To the right of Home is About this class. If you hover over About this class, you’ll see three options:

    • Instructor is where you will find more info about me.
    • Schedule allows you to see the schedule of our course in a few ways, including a general weekly outline, a list of all class meetings and topics, and a list of all course requirements including readings and due dates.
    • Syllabus, it will take you to an image of our syllabus that you can page through online as well as a pdf version you can download.

If you would like to see all the readings/videos/etc. all at once instead of as scheduled, you can go to Course Materials, next to the right of About this class.

Likewise, all assignments will be linked both in the Schedule page under their corresponding week as well as under Assignments to the right of Course Materials once they have been assigned (usually one week in advance of their due date).

Both materials and assignments are made as posts which means you can comment. You are very welcome to do so — this is a great place to ask questions that a fellow student might have an answer to or to post your general reflections. If you do comment, please know that your comment will be visible to the entire BMCC OpenLab community.

Schedule changes, group decisions, and additional information about this course will be posted in Announcements.

To turn in assignments and view grades, you will login to Blackboard and submit your assignments there. You can [ Login to Blackboard ] via the link on the far right. Once in our page on Blackboard, you will see “Turn in Assignments” on the left menu bar. Click that and then click the relevant assignment from the list. Upload or copy/paste assignment and hit submit. You may have to click through more than once so please make sure your assignments have been submitted. To view your grade, you can click “Course Dashboard” from the left hand menu on our BlackBoard page.

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