Week 13 – Government Budgets

Additional Resources:

Darrick Hamilton is a professor at the my graduate department. He is a BedStuy native who works on revolutionary expansionary policy and talks here about the limits of monetary policy and its interaction with stocks and politics. We didn’t watch in class but I suspect it is of interest to many:

Goodman, A. and J. González. (2020, August 19). “We Will Make Biden Do It: Economist Darrick Hamilton on Pushing the Next Admin to the Left.” DemocracyNow.

Resources from class:

Kelton, Stephanie. (2018, August 20). Interview with Fareed Zakaria. CNN.

Lu, Marcus. (2020, October 30). “Charting America’s Debt: $27 Trillion and Counting.” Visual Capitalist. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/americas-debt-27-trillion-and-counting/

Week 10 – Keynesian Cross & Multiplier

These are the full forms of the pages we worked through in class on Tuesday, 10/27. If you would like to see simplified version of these graphs, draw them out for yourself by:

  1. Draw and label the axes
  2. (optional step, only if it helps) Draw and label the Consumption Line
  3. Draw and label the Aggregate Demand Line
  4. Draw and label the Y=AD line


Week 7 – Keynesian Consumption and AD graph

Here is the excel file for the worksheet we used in class on Thursday, October 8th. I encourage you to play around with the graph by changing the variable values and hitting tab to see the C, AD values and the graph lines change.