Category: Course Schedule
Week 10 – Keynesian Cross & Multiplier
These are the full forms of the pages we worked through in class on Tuesday, 10/27. If you would like to see simplified version of these graphs, draw them out for yourself by:
- Draw and label the axes
- (optional step, only if it helps) Draw and label the Consumption Line
- Draw and label the Aggregate Demand Line
- Draw and label the Y=AD line
Watch (13:53) – Khan Academy – Aggregate Demand
This link starts a series of 4 videos. You only need to watch the first one.
Watch (3:44) – Learn Liberty 2012
Watch (3:26): Marginal Revolution University 2017
Watch (4:50) : Mazzucato 2013
You can watch the whole thing (13:46) if you like, but the only required piece is 4:50-9:00.
Weekly Review 8 – Due 10/29
Weekly Review 7 – Due 10/22
Week 7 – Keynesian Consumption and AD graph
Here is the excel file for the worksheet we used in class on Thursday, October 8th. I encourage you to play around with the graph by changing the variable values and hitting tab to see the C, AD values and the graph lines change.